Monday, February 6, 2012

Country Flip!

Okay, so this is from a while back. My friends and I were getting ready to go out dancing, and we wanted to learn how to do some tricks. One of my friends (the one I'm with in the videos) has taken multiple dance classes and knows just about everything - seriously! So he demonstrated how to do some tricks, including the country flip! It was the best time!! I miss him dearly, as he is currently in Korea to teach underprivileged children English, and I can't wait for him to come back so we can have more nights like these!!

1 comment:

  1. OMG, this is sooo cool!!! I wish I could find someone who is huge, and can do that with me!!!

    P.S. it is soo cute how your hubby puts his hand in case you fall down in the third video! :D
