Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Dolphins! I touched thee! (To add to bucket list. This was in August of last year).

Thursday, February 16, 2012


I don't know why, but since the dawn of time, if a girl is feeling funky for any reason the solution is to do something insane with her hair. I did it. I chopped it all off. Oh how I hate it. I despise it. However, it was necessary. I had over used heat products (hair straightener) and pretty much fried it all, so now I'm starting fresh. Also, it's another one for the bucket list. *sigh*

Monday, February 13, 2012

Just Because

... some days I'm just melancholy. For some reason these days have lined up into what is decidedly a week, and show no sign of relenting. Bah. I like this poem though, for when I feel this way:

Learning To Lean
By Edna F. Sorrell

I thank Thee, Lord, for shattered dreams,
For overwhelming torrent streams
That swept away the very thing
To which I might have learned to cling.

I thank Thee, Lord, for trials sore,
That taught me how to trust Thee more;
For when I found no other stay,
I learned to lean on Thee each day.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


There seems to be a lot of things in the works for me lately.
My closest friend and I have decided that we are going to take a trip! We work
in the same hospital, went to school together, and are both passionately involved
with our patients. That being said, we are also both sick and tired of work! We
decided that around March of next year we will take a two week holiday together
to Paris. It's still tentative on dates and what not but just the thought of it is
absolutely thrilling! Also... what better excuse to go shopping?!

Secondly, I got word from my long time bonded that she will be going
to Mexico by way of Texas this October. Her stop will be in Houston which is
roughly two hours away from where I live, and we're hoping to meet up. Again,
this is tentative (but utterly exciting). I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much
for this one, as I don't know if it will happen for sure.

Lastly, a new friend (that is quickly growing close to my heart) told me tonight
that they will be coming to the US in Spring of 2013! This is more of a vague
plan as I may or may not even be in Texas at that time (Hawaii in September!!)
but I'm looking forward to seeing how this all pans out.

So much is pending, I wish something would just happen already! I'm getting
very bored with day-to-day life, and need a bit of spice. I'll figure it out somehow
and update yall when I do ;)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Shoot a Gun!

This is, again, from a while ago. My friends and I all decided to go out to a shooting range in the area. Before this, I had never so much as held a gun. I LOVED IT! However, I am a horrible shot. It was still tons of fun though!

Country Flip!

Okay, so this is from a while back. My friends and I were getting ready to go out dancing, and we wanted to learn how to do some tricks. One of my friends (the one I'm with in the videos) has taken multiple dance classes and knows just about everything - seriously! So he demonstrated how to do some tricks, including the country flip! It was the best time!! I miss him dearly, as he is currently in Korea to teach underprivileged children English, and I can't wait for him to come back so we can have more nights like these!!

Dancing in the Rain

Last night there was a huge thunderstorm! Generally speaking, I am utterly terrified of thunder. So, I was reading TGH, huddled in the corner, when I decided that I could use the opportunity to cross something off the bucket list: Dancing in the Rain! Sorry, the video is a bit dark as it was something like 1am!

It was so fun! Also, so terrifying when the lightening struck!!  I don't think I'll ever do it again, but I'm glad to have done it once in my life =D

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Full Dose Update

So I took the full dose of Nuvigil yesterday. BAD IDEA! For a while it was okay, I had no allergic/physical reaction. However, I was awake for approximately 38 hours! I could not go to sleep, no matter how hard I tried. When I finally did fall asleep I woke up this morning and I'm still super energized from it, so I skipped my dose today. I think from now on I'll be taking half the dose daily. The full dose is definitely too much.

Friday, February 3, 2012

My Bucket List

So, someone has encouraged me to make a bucket list. I will be updating this as I cross things off. I'm using my old bucket list that I had on my computer, so some of the things are finished, and I will post/blog about them. The list will be numbered, but the numbers do not indicate a specific order/level of importance. I'll keep adding things to the list, so my progress may change! When I'm finished I will highlight the number, and link to the post talking about it. Here we go...

1. Get my Masters in something I want to study (as opposed to something to further my career).
2. Visit/Vacation on every continent.
3. Buy myself a pair of Christian Louboutin shoes, 100mm heel height minimum.
4. Visit Bethlem Royal Hospital.
5. Tour the Palace of Westminster.
6. Visit Musee d'Orsay.
7. Walk up the Eiffel Tower, to the Champagne Bar at the top, er... take the lift down. :p
8. Visit Santorini, Greece.
9. Take off for the weekend, without telling a soul where I'm going or when I'll be back!
10. Attempt to paddle and/or boogie board.
11. Quit smoking.
12. Swim with/touch dolphins. DONE!
13. Attend a Superbowl.
14. Watch the Patriots play a regular season game in Boston.
15. Learn to do a country flip.  DONE!
16. Go to Disney land/world.
17. Spend a night in Cinderellas Castle.... they let you do that now! 
18. Meet at least one person IRL from DM.
19. Go on a road-trip
20. Volunteer overseas/in a relief effort.
21. Celebrate New Years in Times Square
22. Join a Flash Mob
23. Learn to trust people 
24. Buy my mum her dream house
25. Fly first class
26. Win first place in a costume contest
27. Start writing an autobiography
28. Stop writing said autobiography, because no one would read it! 
29. Get a haircut I've never tried before. DONE!
30. Go out on a full-day luxury date .. with mum! 
31. Go to a fortune teller/palm reader
32. Take a vow of silence for one day.
33. Wear odd socks, deliberately, for a week! 
34. Prove yourself wrong by completing at least 1/3 of this list! 
35. Own an original work of art
36. Act like a fool, and don't care who sees!
37. Stomp grapes at a vineyard.
38. Live without e-mail/IM/cell phone for 48 hours. 
39. Shoot a gun. DONE!
40. Drink way too much, and don't regret it later.
41. Scream from a balcony/building.
42. Get a tattoo
43. Sing karaoke 
44. Have a secret admirer.
45. Admire someone, secretly.
46. See the Rocky Horror Show in costume
47. Tell someone the story of your life, sparing no detail.
48. Shower in a waterfall
49. Do something that makes you proud of yourself.
50. Make friends with someone while on vacation, keep in contact.
51. Find one person who you can tell anything to, without fear of judgement.
52. Learn to speak French
53. Attain the elusive, six pack (er, softer girl version).
54. See Cirque du Soleil perform
55. Visit Chambord Castle
56. Visit Segovia Castle
57. Visit family in Dubai and Pakistan
58. Zip line through trees
59. Learn to play at least one song on the 'expert' difficulty level on guitar hero! 
60. Sing a song on the 'expert' difficulty level on guitar hero.
61. Start a wine collection
62. Dance in the rain DONE!
63. Learn to land that standing tuck!
64. Run an 8 minute mile.
65. Kiss a frog
66. Fast for 24 hours on water only.
67. Spend all day in bed, reading. ALL DAY! 
68. Have a cosmetic procedure
69. Send someone flowers, anonymously, for no reason.
70. Get a piercing (other than ears)
71. Buy myself an Oscar de la Renta gown/dress. 
72. Complement every person I talk to on one day.
73.Go to Harajuku Station dressed up lolita style!
74. Complete an entire Aes Sedai costume
75. Wear this completed costume to DCon or JCon

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Night Shift

In about one week I will have spent exactly one year on night shift. While I love the hours, the flexibility, the lack of politics and doctors buzzing about, and the ability to actually hold my patients hand and have an hour long conversation with him/her, it's been hell on my mind and body. With my history of depression it's rough to not be awake during daylight hours, as it worsens my general 'meh' mood.

Lately (past few months) I've been feeling less and less myself. I've been a bit irritable, and nowhere near as happy/bouncy/peppy as I (used to) naturally be. Soo... I went to the doctor and got a prescription for Nuvigil. I'm on day (night) two currently and.... WOW!

The first night I felt as though I was taking some sort of recreational drug. I was giddy, giggling, head-spinning, can't tell up from down or concentrate on a thing, euphoric. Tonight was much better in that I was awake, in a good mood, and able to concentrate on tasks, not to mention super productive.

I usually avoid all medications, as I just don't think they are the way to solve problems. In my opinion medications fix the symptoms, not the problems. However, so far, this medication has been heaven sent! For the first time in what feels like ages, I am .... ME! Currently I'm only taking half of the dose my doctor prescribed, as I thought  the full dose was too much. Tonight will be my first night on the full dose and I'm sort of scared, but also very excited. Lets see how this goes...!